Making damn good profit with copytrading.
Even if your are a beginner.
Even if you have no time for trading.
Fully automated low-risk copy-trading.

Hi, my name is Tim, originally from northern Germany, travelling now for roughly 10 years in my motorhome with my lovely crazy dogs through Europe and due to my nomad-life I chose a job, where I can work from everywhere and where I dont need clients. Where I can scale my income drastic over the time.

Now I made a new low-risk-account with a copying-function, so you can simply copy may trades, fully automated through one of the world-leading and trustworthy brokers ICMarkets.

The best thing about it?
It works!

The second best thing about it?
Its totally free for you to join!
I only get a comission of 25% from your profits that you make with my trades, also fully automated by the trading-platform ctrader.

You only need to open a broker-account, deposit your money(min. 200$) in your own account, start copying my strategy and make automated profit. And also with limited-risk.

Your benefits of automated copying my trades

  • no knowledge needed
  • once set up, you don’t need to do anything else
  • limited risk of only 20% of your used balance
  • zero risk after a few days trading
  • start and stop copying whenever you want
  • you can start with just 200$
  • fully stats public
  • Telegram-channel with notes, tips and more
  • approximately 2 to 3% profit a day
  • growing profit due to compound-interest-effect
  • no need to wait for signals to copy manually anymore
  • no anonymous account, you are welcome to contact me
  • safe and secure with ICMarkets and ctrader

Your simple steps to start automated-earning

  • If you have already a broker-account (important: must be ctrader) you can simply click the following link to my strategy, move at least 200$ (I recommend 500 to 1000,- for greater profits) to your new created copy-account, set your equity-stopp-loss to 80% and enjoy.
  • If you are new or dont have a ctrader-account, please open an account here with click on ICMarkets:
    Very important: Choose account-type “RAW spread” and platform “ctrader”!
  • After registering at the broker you have to verify your identity there. Its a quick and easy process, just have your ID/passport ready. Then you have to deopsit your money (at least 200$) to your account.
  • Now click this invite-link to my strategy: LINK
    Then move the money you want to use for this (at least 200$) to your new copy-account.
  • For your own safety, you can manually adjust your equity-stop-loss. That means that you can protect your balance, no matter how my trades are going. I recommend to set your equity-stop-loss to 80% of your balance. I’m trading also on funded acoounts, so I’m used to never have a higher drawdown than 10%. But better do it (just for the unlikely case that a trade is going weird due to slippage/gaps). Then my trade could go in higher drawdown, but you are protected.
  • After a short time when you made already 20% profit you can set your equity-stop-loss to the amount of your initial balance. From there on you are completely risk-free!

The “compound-interest-effect”

Indeed, you can turn 1000$ into one million in just short of 12 month. But sure you need a few thing for this:
-daily profit of minimum 3% of your balance
-keeping all the money in this account for this year

But yes, you will need some weeks more, because of my comissions. But to compensate this, I will give my best to make 4% a day. 🙂

But that is no promise, because my main-focus is always a proper risk-management!
So dont think of a quick-rich-system, just enjoy simple, safe and steady automated profits!

You have more questions? Great, I’m happy to help you!
Please write me here in Telegram:

Lets make some profits together!